Kitten booking rules
- Pospishil & Co cattery offers reservations of kittens from the age of 1.5 months. And before the onset of 6 weeks of age, you can use the waiting list for kittens with no prepayment required.
- We do not have a guaranteed early reservation. Also, there is no reservation until the baby gets up and takes the first steps. We always take into account the preliminary wishes of the client, but the final decision on the sale will be made only upon a kitten reached the age of 1.5 months. In the meantime, while the kitten is growing, you can watch its development. We provide photos, videos on the website, on our pages on social media.
- When the kitten is six weeks old and its new owner will be able to make a weighted decision on the purchase – the preliminary reservation and deposit can be discussed.
- The amount of the deposit is 50% of the cost of the kitten. A kitten can be selected and reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
- After signing the contract, the Buyer is obliged to pay a deposit within five calendar days. If the Buyer fails to pay the deposit within the specified period, the kitten will be available for the public.
- The deposit is part of the total cost of the kitten.
- If the Buyer signed a purchase agreement, paid a deposit, and then changed his mind, the deposit is non-refundable (these are compensatory expenses for food and pet care, as well as refusal to purchase it by others, as for a lost chance to find a family for a kitten.)
- If the purchase is cancelled due to the refusal of the Breeder, the deposit will be returned in full. Reasons for refusal by the Breeder can be:
- the breeding value of the kitten for the cattery and the Breeder’s decision on the appropriateness of keeping the kitten in the cattery;
- revealed hidden defects.
- The kitten will be transferred to the conditions of paid overexposure with 100% prepayment for a pre-agreed period in the following cases:
- The Buyer from Ukraine did not take the kitten before the age of 3.5 months;
- The Buyer not from Ukraine did not take the kitten before the age of delivery to the Buyer’s country + 2 weeks. Except for Force Majeure (due to Covid 19: the airline postponed the flight or a hard lockdown)
If the Buyer did not take the kitten after the end of the overexposure period, then:
- all previously made payments are non-refundable;
- the kitten will be available again for free sale.
Cost of overexposure at the Breeder’s home: $ 10 per day.
Delivery and payment of a kitten
- Delivery of a kitten can be carried out only after payment of 100% of the cost of the kitten as well as payment of all expenses necessary for delivery
The Buyer can also pick up the kitten on his own from the cattery. To do this, the day and time are agreed in advance, the Buyer pays the full cost of the kitten on the spot and then picks it up.
- Delivery can be carried out anywhere in the world. Depending on the destination, delivery can be carried out by couriers, by train, or by plane.
- All necessary documents, certificates, etc. are made out by the nursery.
- The shipping cost is paid by the Buyer.
You can Reserve a kitten in any way of your convenience: Viber, WhatsApp. Messenger, email.
We remind you that the acquisition of a living creature requires a responsible attitude and a balanced, adequate assessment of one’s desires and capabilities.
Respect the work of the Breeder!